Full Circle Lab Nouvelle-Aquitaine Hessen is a capacity building international training program, which aims at supporting and accompanying the writing, development and post-production of 10 feature films closely connected to the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region in France and Hessen Region in Germany.
The lab is addressed to both emerging and more experienced filmmakers, French, German and international projects.
It relies on the local cinema ecosystem of festivals’ initiatives, and residencies such as the clos-FIFIB, the Biarritz Bal Lab, the Poitiers Film Festival and fosters synergies with filmmakers and producers active in the region.
The program is financially supported by Alca Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Hessen Film & Medien, the Lot-et-Garonne Department and takes the form of residential and online workshops.
> Accompanying projects closely connected to the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region in France and Hessen Region in Germany, and supporting their feasibility, and international potential in a tailor-made way.
> Supporting the whole cinema ecosystem in Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Hessen Regions in an integrated manner and accompanying 6 projects at scriptwriting stage (the Development Lab) and 4 projects in editing phase (the First Cut Lab).
of the program
1st module
Development Lab
During the 7 months of the Lab, the six selected projects focus on script & project development.
Module & structure
The Development Lab selects 6 projects, which will have the chance to attend two residential workshops, each lasting four working days, and 1 industry event.
Full Circle Lab Nouvelle-Aquitaine Hessen is open to teams of scriptwriter/director and producer. Both of them will attend the workshops. A film project with no producer attached is not eligible.
An individual follow-up
During the last months of the program, projects are followed individually.
According to their needs, a participation to a specific co-production forum or film industry event will be suggested and facilitated, either in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine or Hessen Regions, in France or internationally.
Three on-site sessions
The first workshop takes place in La Maison Forte in Monbalen, on June 11th-15th 2025, and offers analysis of the treatment together with main rewriting axes, consultancy on overall production plan and markets and festivals strategy.
The second workshop takes place at Schloss Biebrich in Wiesbaden, on September 22nd – 26th 2025, and offers analysis of the script and consultancy on the full presentation, the financial elements, distribution and sales.
The third phase takes place in Poitiers during the Poitiers Film Festival where the participants pitch their projects at the TAP – Théâtre Auditorium on December 5th, 2025 and meet sales agents and distributors.
A great flexibility
The limited number of participants & projects will allow great flexibility in the agenda, moving between plenary and group sessions, and individual consultations when needed.
Module & structure
The First Cut Lab is open to the filmmaker, producer and editor of the project and it takes place online.
The exact dates of the workshop are chosen in agreement with the selected teams to best answer the needs of their films. The workshop takes place during the period from April 29th to October 31st 2025.
Each film is accompanied by First Cut Lab for a period of roughly 3 weeks, even though the core of the Lab takes place over two consecutive days.
Tools provided for future
After the workshop, the film team receives a memo of the discussions and all suggestions, to serve as a road map in the further editing.
Tailor-made chosen advisors
The core is an in-depth discussion where the filmmakers get to test their questions and dilemmas with carefully chosen film industry experts.
An editor consultant helps the teams throughout the whole process with preparatory and follow-up meetings.
For more details
First Cut Lab is an international initiative, regularly joining Full Circle Lab for unique collaborations.
To know more about this module, discover all the information here.
2nd module
First Cut
This second module selects 4 feature films in the editing phase, supported by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the Hessen Region for their production.
How to apply
Full Circle Lab Nouvelle Aquitaine Hessen is for feature films closely connected to the Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Hessen area. The program is open to teams of writer/director and producer that fit the following criteria:
For Nouvelle-Aquitaine:
- Authors/directors from Nouvelle-Aquitaine, with a project that benefited from national/regional selective grants or who reached plenary commission for a regional funding request;
- Producers from Nouvelle-Aquitaine, with a project that benefited from an international, national or regional selective grant;
- Projects supported by the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region or by the appointed departments;
- Projects supported in the context of festivals (the clos-FIFIB, the Biarritz Bal Lab, the Poitiers Film Festival residencies) and partner residencies (La Prévôté, Chalet Mauriac, La Maison Bleue, Atelier Claude Miller).
- Only projects that benefited from support (grants or programs) in 2023, 2024 and 2025 are eligible.
For Hessen:
- Authors/directors from Hessen, with a project that benefited from national/regional selective grants or who reached plenary commission for a regional funding request;
- Producers from Hessen, with a project that benefited from an international, national or regional selective grant;
- Only projects that benefited from support (grants or programs) in 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 are eligible.
Applicants for both the Development Lab and First Cut Lab should submit their entire application package by March 31st, 2025.
For any information request, please contact: info@fullcirclelab.org
The participants & projects are selected by a committee including the co-Heads of Studies and tutors.
The participation fee of Full Circle Lab Nouvelle Aquitaine is €1.800 per project at development stage and €1.000 per film in editing phase (+VAT if applicable).
The projects associated with the Hessen region are exempt from paying participation fees.
The participation fee includes half-board accommodation during the workshops for a maximum of 2 persons per project. Participants cover their travel costs.
Development Lab
We are looking for 6 projects in development and we will be accepting works at different stages of development: a treatment is compulsory; however, a script is not. Projects shall not have entered pre-production phase yet.
The applicants shall submit the following materials gathered into one PDF document (in English only):
- The application form
- Logline (50 words)
- Synopsis (1 page)
- Director’s statement (Up to 2 pages)
- Producer’s note (Up to 2 pages)
- 10-page treatment
- Script (if available)
- Biographies of the scriptwriter, director and producer
- Profile of the production company
- Links to previous films.
To the email address: info@fullcirclelab.org
Deadline for application: March 31st 2025.
First Cut Lab
We are looking for 4 projects already shot and in the editing phase. The film’s producer, director, and editor must attend the whole duration of the Editing Lab.
Applicants must submit the following gathered into one PDF document (in English only) :
- The application form
- A minimum of 30 minutes of scenes from the film. Scenes can be separate and can be in the rough cut
- Logline (50 words)
- Synopsis (1 page)
- Director’s statement (Up to 2 pages)
- Producer’s statement (Up to 2 pages)
- Biographies of the director and the editor
- Producer’s Biography & Production company profile
To the email address: info@fullcirclelab.org
Deadline for application: March 31st 2025..
in 5 steps
1 – March 31st, 2025 – Deadline for application.
2 – April 30th & May 2nd, 2025 – Preselection Interviews
3 – May 18th, 2025 – Announcement of selected participants & projects at Cannes Film Festival.
4 – June 11th – 15th, 2025 – First Development Lab residential workshop in La Maison Forte, Monbalen.
5 – September 22nd – 26th, 2025 – Second Development Lab residential workshop in Schloss Biebrich, Wiesbaden.
6 – December 4th-5th, 2025 – Pitch Training + Industry Day during the Poitiers Film Festival in Poitiers.
& mentors

Matthieu Darras
CEO of Tatino Films
Matthieu Darras designs and leads several programs of film/talent development and consultancy that are active worldwide: the First Cut Lab, the Pop Up Film Residency, and the Full Circle Lab. Previously, he founded and directed the European Network of Young Cinema NISI MASA, wrote for the film magazine Positif, and was the artistic director of the TorinoFilmLab.
He also worked for major film festivals in Europe: as a programmer for the Cannes Critics’ Week, as a consultant for the Venice Film Festival, and as a delegate for the San Sebastian Film Festival.
He also directed the Bratislava Film Festival.

Myriam Sassine
Head of the program and Producer Consultant
Myriam Sassine joined Abbout Productions producing several features and documentaries such as Costa Brava, Lebanon by Mounia Akl (Venice Film Festival Official Selection / TIFF 2021), 1982 by Oualid Mouaness (TIFF 2019) and Panoptic by Rana Eid (Locarno 2017).
From 2016 to 2020, she was the COO of Schortcut Films dedicated to co-producing international films. In 2016, she cofounded Maskoon Fantastic Film Festival, the first and only genre film festival in the Middle East.
Since 2021, she’s the project manager of Aflamuna Connection, Aflamuna’s coproduction platform. Myriam is an alumni of EAVE Producer’s Workshop (2019) and Film Independent Producing Lab (2019).

Yemi Chabi
Program Manager
After earning a Film Studies degree, Yemi Chabi worked as a Marketing and Acquisitions Coordinator at Coproduction Office, curating the pressbook for Il Buco (Venice – Special Jury Prize, 2021) and developing its classics acquisitions project.
She freelanced as a Story Editor and Copywriter on award-winning films like Striding into the Wind (Cannes, 2020) and Club Zero (Cannes, 2023). In 2021, she pursued studies in narrative techniques at Scuola Holden.
She is now a Development Executive at Kometa Films and Program Manager for various labs at Tatino Films. In 2024, she was selected as a Story Editor Trainee in the TFL NEXT Screens of Tomorrow programme.

Philippe Barrière
Script Consultant
Born in 1978, Philippe Barrière has a Masters in philosophy and formal logic at La Sorbonne University.
Script consulting is way for him to combine his interest for analysis and his passion for cinema.
Over the past years, Philippe Barrière has had several relevant experiences in the field of script consulting such as head of the development for Mille et une Productions or, since 2010, as an independent script consultant.
He is notably the co-author with Rubaiyat Hossain of Made in Bangladesh (Toronto 2019). He teaches scriptwriting in different film schools in Paris, and works on several script development workshops, such as La Scénaristerie, Cannes Talent Unlimited and Le Groupe Ouest.

Britta Krause
Script Consultant
After having studied at NYU’s Film & TV programme and her graduation from the London Film School with a distinction in script-writing, Britta worked internationally as a writer/director/editor on short and TV-films and made a career directing commercials. Since 2012 she has been working as a scriptwriting tutor for institutions like the Doha Film Institute, European Short Pitch, Torino Film Lab, Nipkow Programm, Attagirl (BFI), Semaine de la Critique’s Next Step workshop and Full Circle Lab. She is currently a mentor for the Netflix Accelerator workshop and teaches at Filmakademie Ludwigsburg and ifs Cologne besides working as a freelance script consultant with writer-directors from all over the world.

Matthieu Taponier
Script Consultant
Matthieu Taponier is a script consultant and editor, usually working in both capacities on the same films. After studying Modern Literature, he received an MFA in filmmaking at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. As a script consultant, he received training at TorinoFilmLab and has been tutoring since in workshops such as the Critic’s Week Next Step, Hezayah, le Groupe Ouest and Full Circle Lab. Some of his film credits include Son of Saul by László Nemes (Grand Prix Cannes 2015, Golden Globe, Oscar and BAFTA 2016), Beginning by Dea Kulumbegashvili (Cannes 2020, Golden Shell San Sebastian 2020) and The Settlers by Felipe Gálvez (Cannes Un certain regard 2023, FIPRESCI prize).

Alexis Hofmann
Industry consultant
Alexis Hofmann is graduate in Modern Literature and in Distribution at La Fémis.
After working for Centre National de la Cinematographie (CNC), he joined HAUT ET COURT, and then MEMENTO FILMS, working in the booking and marketing departments for each.
He joined BAC FILMS in 2006, as a booker and then became marketing project manager for the company.
Alexis now oversees acquisitions for BAC FILMS.

Edyta Janczak-Hiriart
Producer Consultant
Edyta Janczak-Hiriart is a French producer of Polish descent. A graduate of the Lodz Film School, she’s also a member of EAVE, ACE Producers Series Special, and Producers To Watch at MipTV. In 2008, she founded Kometa Films, a company based in Paris and Orléans, specializing in producing films and series through international co-productions. Among her recent productions are “Anatomia” by Ola Jankowska, presented at the Venice Film Festival in 2021, and “By Flavio” by Pedro Cabeleira, presented in Berlinale’s short film competition in 2022.
& financial
Alca, the cultural agency for publishing and cinema in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, supports creation and production of fiction, animation and documentary films through fundings, artists-in-residence program, partnerships with Labs and international market and a regional film commission.
It also stands by film professionals from the region for national and international film festivals, coproduction events and to support distribution and promotion.
Hessen Film & Medien is the first point of contact for film funding in Hesse, Germany, and strengthens the regional film and media industry. It supports film and media professionals and those who want to shoot and produce in Hesse while planning and shooting their projects. Hessen Film & Medien promotes both the artistic and commercial quality of film and series productions and offers support throughout all production stages from treatment to shooting and distribution. Its goal is to pave the way for artistic daring and it stands for the promotion of young talent, diversity, social and environmental sustainability as well as transparent structures.
The Lot-et-Garonne Department Council is active in the cinema industry, specifically through the action of the BAT47 Filming Office, the main actor of the Department’s cinema and audiovisual policy.