Full Circle Lab Philippines announces the lineup of its 4th edition

Still from Glorious Ashes by Bui Thac Chuyen, selected for Full Circle Lab Philippines 2021
The Tatino Films’ project & talent development program led by Matthieu Darras and Izabela Igel, and co-organized by the Film Development Council of the Philippines reveals the lineup, mentors, and industry advisors of its 4rd edition.
Full Circle Lab Philippines will take place on site, in Cebu, with a residential workshop from April 26 to 30, 2022, followed by online sessions until September 2022.
Full Circle Lab Philippines 2022 will build upon the achievements of the first three editions, yet with even higher ambitions. The idea is to continue identifying, nurturing and supporting creative projects from the Philippines and South-East Asia, and to cover a wide spectrum of audio-visual contents (features & series) at different stages of production. A creative hub for the regional filmmaking community, Full Circle Lab Philippines intends to dedicate specific attention to talent, business skills & career development having in mind the sustainability of the audio-visual ecosystem.
The film industries in the region can count on a few experienced creative producers only, and there’s a constant need to identify and to nurture new generations of producers through a training for emerging producers. That’s why the Creative Producers Lab was created in 2021, covering the key areas of this profession: project development, legal & financial issues, and company development.
The novelty of this year’s edition is the launch of a Story Editors Lab to train film professionals capable of accompanying authors & directors in the creative process, able to be sparring partners for the authors, to design and to conduct a script & project development path.
All in all, Full Circle Lab Philippines will welcome 12 projects (features & series) in development, 3 feature films in post-production, 8 emerging producers, and 3 story editors.
More than 40 participants and 12 mentors are expected to participate in the residential workshop in Cebu, coming from 15 different countries.
The lineup of this year’s edition is characterized by a majority of debut film projects and most participants under 30 years, with plenty of new names to discover. And yet the Lab will welcome recognized figures of the industry such as Malaysian director Woo Ming Jin, or Singaporean filmmaker Anthony Chen with a project as producer.
Film genres represented are once again very eclectic, ranging from horror comedy to historical drama passing by fantasy sci-fi.
Mentors & advisors from all over the world with constitute the pedagogical team.
Fiction film projects will work under the guidance of scriptwriters/script consultants Helen Beltramé-Linné (Brazil/Sweden), Ayman El Amir (Egypt), Mmabatho Kau (South Africa), and producers Izabela Igel (Poland), Meiske Taurisia (Indonesia), and Olga Zhurzhenko (Ukraine).
Creative Producers will work under the mentorship of film producers Weijie Lai (Singapore/Canada) and Juraj Krasnohorsky (Slovakia), while international guest speakers will feature creative talks & case studies.
Editor consultant Benjamin Mirguet (France) is dedicated to the projects of First Cut Lab, together with editorial consultant Wim Vanacker (Belgium).
They will be supported by industry advisors. Already confirmed are: Fran Borgia (producer, Singapore), Patrick Mao Huang (producer/distributor, Taiwan), Vincent Quek (distributor, Singapore), and Tran Thi Bich Ngoc (producer, Vietnam).
Between One Lucia and two Marias – debut
Dir. Tyra Alvarade (Philippines)
Dear Family – debut
Dir. Monica Vanesa Tedja, prod. Gugi Gumilang and Astrid Saerong (Indonesia)
First Breath After Coma
Dir. Jason Iskandar, prod. Florence Giovani Chandra (Indonesia)
Mando’s Better World
Dir. Joel Ruiz, prod. Monster Jimenez and Margie Templo (Philippines)
Mother Maybe
Dir. Sonny Calvento, prod. Krizia Marie Millanes (Philippines)
Pamilya Anakonda – debut
Dir. James Albano, prod. Carmi Raymundo (Philippines)
Posthouse – debut
Dir. Nikolas Red, Iana Bernardez (Philippines)
Tether – debut
Dir. Gian Arre, prod. Anna Velario (Philippines)
The Scam of Angels – series
Dir. Arden Rod Condez, prod. Barbara Candano (Philippines)
Unmother – debut
Dir. Jen Nee Lim, prod. Ke Ning Lee (Singapore)
Violet Flower – debut
Dir. Jerome Zamora, prod. Wilfredo Manalang (Philippines)
Dir. Writer Grace Ng, prod. Tan Jia Min (Singapore)
Jericho Miguel Aguado
Southern Lantern Studios (Philippines)
Paul Sta. Ana
Pelikulaw (Philippines)
Dan Koh
Incantation Films (Singapore)
April Batican
Epicmedia Productions Inc. (Philippines)
Sari Dalena
Kino Arts (Philippines)
Keisha Therese Halili
Micromedia Digital Video Productions (Philippines)
Mary Grace Liew
Foreground Pictures (Malaysia)
Racquel Medina
Southern Lantern Studios & Giya Studios (Philippines)
Kyle Nieva
Screen Asia Corporation (Philippines)
Giovanni Rahmadeva
Qun Films (Indonesia)
Howard Yambao
Eichef Media \ HFilms (Philippines)
Ajoomma – debut
Dir. He Shuming, prod. Anthony Chen, editor Armiliah Aripin (Singapore)
Stone Turtle
Dir. Woo Ming Jin, prod. and editor Edmund Yeo (Malaysia)
Where is The Lie?
Dir. Quark Henares, prod. Armi Rae Cacanindin, editor Benjamin Tolentino (Philippines)